Call to register: 410-256-7320
5024 Campbell Blvd. Suite K, Nottingham, MD 21236
Take the next step and call 410-256-7320 to get a lesson time that works for you. Space is limited, so don't hesitate! You can also email us, or request more info.
Interested in a different instrument?
We have many options to choose from! If you don't see your instrument below, contact us - we might still be able to help.
It's easy to get started!
Enjoy the benefits of lessons at the White Marsh Music Academy with a few simple steps. Lesson slots are available Monday — Saturday on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call us at 410-256-7320 to inquire about available times.
Private lessons are just $45 / 30 mins or as low as $34.75 / 30 mins with a tuition plan or 1-year payment Monthly plan: $130 / month | Annual Plan: $120 / month + A registration fee of $40 is due when signing up |